[Vwdiesel] Diesel Secret?

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Fri Dec 28 21:06:59 PST 2007

I live in rural Nevada City, CA, about 60 miles northeast of Sacramento. I pity the poor guy who lives in Alaska. I used to live in Minnesota & the cold winters along with salted streets which rust cars out is why I left. It seldom snows where I live but yesterday & today is one of those days. It doesn't get below freezing very often but it did get down to +20F  this week. I used to live in the Minneapolis area of Minn. & in my youth saw it as cold as -44F so I am aware of the problems that below zero & 40 below can cause & have heard stories of what -70F in Fairbanks can cause. Therefore when discussing problems that are temperature related, I think it would be useful to others to say where you live. I left Minn. for Calif. in 1969 at age 36 so I had a lot of driving experience in the "Great White North", but no diesel experience back there. Diesels then had a reputation for not starting in winter back then & many cars would not start when it got to -20F. Remember these were the days before synthetic oil & 12 volt systems didn't generally become available till the mid-fifties.
Still haven't heard what "Diesel Secret" is but suspect it is an additive to WVO so that you can use it as you would use ordinary diesel. I have read that some of the adverse effects of WVO is premature carbonizing of injectors, intake manifolds, & piston rings. I have not used WVO yet but am wondering if there is an additive one could periodically run to de-carbon the engine.

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