[Vwdiesel] OT - Hydraulic hose (fwd)

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Sat Feb 3 17:20:18 EST 2007

Hmmm, how about just using fuel injection fuel line, stiffer than the 
old style, and it's exposed to fuel, so hyd fluid shouldn't be too big 
a deal.
On Feb 3, 2007, at 7:50 AM, Val Christian wrote:

> Forwarded message:
>>   I'll ask Dad. They have to have FLEXIBLE lines for their hydraulic 
>> pruning
>> loppers for the pruning Apes.  Can't use that heavy crap there 
>> either.  I'll
>> see if I can catch him tomorrow and see if he knows of any that large 
>> that's
>> not overdo it.
>>   What about fittings for the ends, crimp, reusable, clamp???  What 
>> dimension
>> is critical?  Are the ones you list the old ones or the new hose they 
>> have to
>> offer?
>>     Loren
> Thanks for all the replies.  Here's the deal.  THis stuff is NOT 
> reinforced,
> except perhaps by some nylon weave (like a radiator hose).  It slips 
> over
> a straightl inlet pipe from the transmission sump, and connects to an
> identical diameter pipe from the pump inlet.  There is a couple of 
> inches
> of vac on it, to draw the hydraulic/transmission fluid up to the pump.
> It's a straight hose, without any fittings.
> A hydraulic shop GAVE me a section of their hose, which had the right
> ID. Steel reinforced, 11mm thick walls.  Probably the stuff you'd see
> on a very large escavator.  If I use that, I think I'll run into two
> problems:
> 	a. It will be stiff enough to potentially cause stress and
> 	damage to the components it connects to (like the pump intake
> 	manifold).
> 	b. It's so stiff and rigid that standard hose clamps will not
> 	provide a secure connection to the smooth pipe it connects to.
> I just need hydraulic oil rated radiator hose.  Can't find it.  Tractor
> places, hydralic places, car parts places, I even tried the local
> scientific supply house.  One of you wrote with the suggestion of
> NAPA.  Third place I tried.  If I could even identify a potential
> supplier, it would help.
> Thanks.
> Val
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