[Vwdiesel] Looking for an engine...
Kurt Nolte
syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 4 14:12:12 EST 2007
Well. So long as I don't hit snags with the tradeoff (if I do, we've got
a slightly new ballgame) of KG for SB, then I'm looking for a turbo or
turbo-able (piston squirters installed) 1.6 liter VW diesel. Rebuilt
would be excellent, but I'll take all the way down to "a crate of parts
from a project started and never finished" so long as the prices are right.
However, it's always good to have a backup plan, so: I have gone back to
trawling for Volvo bodies, and located several potential engines for
same. I may need to be talking to you guys for parts, instead! ;)
Sorry if I seem a little, well, bouncy; I take life a little
dynamically, shifting back and forth as the situation changes.
Sherwin Goff wrote:
> Kurt, What exactily are you looking for?
> I know of a 1.6 diesel VW engine. The owner is in
> Hawaii until next week.
> This one has been rebuilt and is still on the stand.
> Let me know what you want.
> Sherwin
> --- Kurt Nolte <syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Well, unless something horrible happens, I've found
>> my conversion
>> vehicle, to put me in a diesel with some style (No
>> offense to you
>> Vanagon TD drivers. ;)). A '73 Karmann Ghia.
>> Now, with that on its way to being squared away, I
>> need an engine to put
>> in it. Seeing as how the 1.6TD isn't that much
>> heavier than the
>> flat-four 1600cc aircooled, that's my choice of the
>> moment.
>> Problem here. I don't have one, but I do have a 2.0L
>> five cylinder. It's
>> too heavy, but it might be good for some barter.
>> Anyone on this list,
>> preferably East Coast (or just East of the
>> Mississippi (I hate spelling
>> that word, it never seems "right" when I'm done),
>> really), have a 1.6 TD
>> they'd be willing to offer up for sale for this
>> project? Runner
>> preferred, but I'll take a non-runner/rebuilder/in
>> pieces engine for the
>> right price.
>> While am at it, also, anyone here have a VNT 15 or
>> 17 they'd be willing
>> to part with, and I'll also be looking for a pair of
>> smallish
>> intercoolers; two small ICs make sense with the
>> layout I'm considering,
>> I'm trying to keep everything in that rear engine
>> bay to minimize the
>> number of lines I have to run back and forth from
>> front to back.
>> My thanks in advance!
>> -Kurt
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