[Vwdiesel] Looking for an engine

Kurt Nolte syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 5 11:00:09 EST 2007


I have a CN block (Naturally aspirated) Audi 2.0L diesel engine sitting 
on the rebuild stand, with manifolds. Haven't even started on the 
rebuild, but it turns over freely by hand (with the regular compression 
reluctance, of course, but no scratching or scraping.), and I am 
perfectly willing to let it go after some negotiations, as it was for a 
project that I've decided to go a step higher with.

I'm on the East Coast, South Carolina.


MWoodland at Dentsply.com wrote:
> Kurt, or anyone else, for that matter:
> I'm looking for a VW / Audi 5 cyl diesel, or Turbo diesel.
> from complete car, to engine only to engine parts.
> Preferably East Coast.
> I'm also looking for a VW / Volvo 6 cyl diesel / TD for my 245 wagon..
> same deal.
> Any leads would be appreciated.
> Mark
> Central PA
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