[Vwdiesel] Low Sulfer Diesel Blamed for School Closings

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Tue Feb 6 06:31:25 EST 2007

 	No info on the pour/cloud/clog points of D15, but it was between 5 &
10 below 0F here (central IL) Monday morning, roughly close to your temps. 
	At work we had 3 failures to start among the Diesel fleet, all
attributed to a combination of block heaters not being plugged in, low
compression, and/or weak batteries. Overall, the failure to start rate among
the gassers was significantly higher, although none have block heaters.
	Fuel tank is above ground, but the mechanical staff changed the
inline filter last week. We haven't run a cetane check since the D15
deliveries began late last summer. Fuel, this being a local government
agency, is low bid. 
	My assigned 1990 IH 4900 series dump truck with a 466 series 6 cyl.,
re-sleeved in-frame in summer 05, fired right up, and worked all day, but
the block heater was plugged in. Fuel filters are of unknown age and
	I'd be inclined to view the news reports with some skepticism.
Scott Kair
"Obama for America '08"

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
Behalf Of Val Christian
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 9:59 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Low Sulfer Diesel Blamed for School Closings

It's been in the vicinity of -20C at night in the Rochester NY area.
At least one district, and one Ambulance company have blamed low sulpher
diesel for their problems.

Rush Henrietta school district showed heavily waxed filters, and said they
didn't know how their fuel was treated, and possibly extra treatment may
have caused the fuel filter clogging.

Spencerport Ambulance "borrowed" some diesel from the Spencerport School
District, who's tanks are underground (and therefore warmer).

Anyone know what the claimed cloud point is for ULSD?


ps: Local News agents reporting:  WROC, WHEC, WHAM, Democrat and Chronicle,
also, rnews.com (website down)

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