[Vwdiesel] Vbelts Snapping

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Feb 8 09:14:57 EST 2007

having had the issue with my golf, When you hear the belt squeel, you 
need to let off the gas, when it squeels, it's not turning, creating a 
hot spot and the eventual breaking. Somewhere in the system is an 
alignment problem. Mine was at the alternator pulley, I played around 
shimming it in and out until I got it where it needed to be. My thought 
is that possibly one of the pulleys are either bent or misaligned 
somehow. My thought would be the water pump pulley as it isn't as 
robust as the crank pulley. Get a new belt on and look at the pulley 
alignment very carefully, with the new belt, you should be able to 
detect an alignment issue by holding a steel rule along the belt. It 
doesn't take much of an "off" alignment to trash a belt.
On Feb 8, 2007, at 9:04 AM, Stephen Kraus wrote:

> I've been having a problem lately and I'm about down to the last straw 
> with
> it.
> For some reason the V-belt going around the
> crankshaft-powersteering-coolantpump is failing continuously. I've 
> replaced
> it over and over but nothing works. I've replaced the bolts on the PS 
> pump,
> the tensioner bolt, the pulley on the PS pump. Nothing helps.
> This usually happens after the belt starts squeeling, and naturally I 
> am
> concerned and it seems tightening the tensioner helps, but then it 
> comes
> back and eventually it seems like the belt is getting stretched before
> snapping.
> Any ideas?
> -- 
> Stephen T. Kraus Jr.
> Home: (423)842-5890
> UB3RATL4Sf00 at gmail.com;
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Custom Design and Fabrication
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Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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