[Vwdiesel] Rebuilding injectors Vs. Replacing Injectors

Bryan K Walton bryankwalton at machlink.com
Fri Feb 9 11:29:33 EST 2007

Hi everybody,
	My '84 Rabbit is in dire need of some injector work.  One of
them is bubbling around the heat shield.  I bought the car with about
119,000 miles on it (now has 129,000) and I have no reason to believe
that the injectors have ever been rebuilt/replaced.  I'm assuming at
this point that the nozzles are the original nozzles.  I'd like to
simply purchase new nozzles and rebuild the injectors myself.  Then,
I'd just take the rebuilt injectors to be spray calibrated and pop
tested.  But I've never done this before.  My question specifically is
this: does there ever come a time when an injector should NOT be
rebuilt?  In other words, do they eventually have to be replaced?


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