[Vwdiesel] Rebuilding injectors Vs. Replacing Injectors

Chuck Carnohan Chuck.Carnohan at itd.idaho.gov
Mon Feb 12 14:53:38 EST 2007

I'm sure I'll get hammered for this one but.... I have had great success
with simply replacing the nozzles and heat shields. No testing, sanding,
pressuring. Follow the Bentley procedure but add a couple of foot pounds
to the torque specs. Click the torque wrench 3 or 4 times. Make sure all
the carbon is out of the injector body. I use marvel mystery oil during
reassembly. I have done this on 3 different engines with good results,
good MPG and good performance. Just depends on how perfect you want
perfect to be. 119K isn't that many miles and you would probably be
pleasantly surprised how well it would run with homebuilt injectors. New
Bosch nozzles from India are $10 each at stopshopanddrive! 

Chuck Carnohan

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
On Behalf Of Bryan K Walton
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 9:30 AM
To: VW Diesel Fans
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Rebuilding injectors Vs. Replacing Injectors

Hi everybody,
	My '84 Rabbit is in dire need of some injector work.  One of
them is bubbling around the heat shield.  I bought the car with about
119,000 miles on it (now has 129,000) and I have no reason to believe
that the injectors have ever been rebuilt/replaced.  I'm assuming at
this point that the nozzles are the original nozzles.  I'd like to
simply purchase new nozzles and rebuild the injectors myself.  Then, I'd
just take the rebuilt injectors to be spray calibrated and pop tested.
But I've never done this before.  My question specifically is
this: does there ever come a time when an injector should NOT be
rebuilt?  In other words, do they eventually have to be replaced?

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