[Vwdiesel] Several Items on 1982 Rabbit

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Mon Feb 19 15:00:52 EST 2007

Doug Presny wrote:
> 1982 Diesel Rabbit Car
> 1.)     I had a fuel injection pump leak at the "head" seal.  Since
> changing this O ring was a slippery slope that would result in me buying
> a rebuilt injection pump, I tried the fix of running transmission seal
> fluid into the injection pump and leaving overnight.  Maybe only
> temporary, but the leak has stopped for the last two weeks.
> 2.)     Since I purchased the car, it has been missing the plug that
> covers the visual access to the flywheel.  I was told by one person that
> these are purposefully left off to facilitate cooling.  Is this true, or
> should I replace.

Just a plastic plug, could probably get one from the junk yard, or I once carved one from a piece 
of round wooden dowel.

> 3.)     The front seats have a lot of play when locked in.  I assume
> there are some wear parts that can be replaced.  Any guidance on what to
> replace and where to buy replacement parts.

Some plastic bushings on the seat brackets ride in the rails, might check those out.

> 4.)     The glow plug light does not always come on when starting
> although the dome light does dim in the position where the light would
> normally come on.  The car has also been starting well, so I assume it
> is just the indicator light.  Whenever the glow plug light doesn't come
> on, the oil indicator light stays on all the time.  I will be removing
> the dash soon, so any guidance on how to remedy this is appreciated.
> Also, how do you identify which relay is the glow plug relay.

Could be a flaky relay:


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