[Vwdiesel] diesel conversions

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Tue Feb 27 23:46:23 EST 2007

Myself am just wanting to get a bit better fuel mileage on a small 
truck, I could get a decent gm with a 6.2, but I'm looking for much 
better than what it can provide as far as mileage goes, plus I really 
don't need a full size truck, I'm just being practical really, all I 
have to haul around are a couple motorcycles and a small utility 
trailer, so the big truck is a bit of over kill. If I can convert a 
small S10 or the like, I will at least give it a try if it's not cost 
prohibitive. Of course the easy route would be to find an old izusu or 
nissan that already has a diesel in it, good luck trying to find one 
around here though. I of course could get out of all of it if one of 
the guys at work would just sell me his diesel VW truck, yea, he knows 
who he is, he reads these boards a lot :-}
On Feb 27, 2007, at 3:35 PM, James Hansen wrote:

> it was not terribly hard to get 30mpg+ imperial with a 6.2 in a truck,
> no turbo and a slushbox.  They should never have a turbo in my opinion-
> too hard on the center main, unless you do an eco-diesel version to 
> just
> improve VE without increasing fueling.
> The 6.5 gets 25 tops, with a turbo.- Mine is a 92 with a crate GM 
> hummer
> block, and Banks turbo and exhaust.
> Dad's 04 max got 22-3 before I futzed with it, 28 after, almost
> independant of load, with 360hp at your fingertips.  Futzing includes
> an edge module and juice box. Not terribly imaginitive, but the module
> and controller do the hard work for you.
> If you are going for around a hundred horsepower with a SUPER reliable
> motor, use a 6.2 with a 5 speed.  They won't die.  I personally would 
> go
> with an added turbo, but no increase in fuel EVER.  (have lost a center
> main to cracking)
> Fords are shit for passenger service.  They are a heavy duty diesel,
> made to pull their ass off all day. NOBODY around here gets much over
> 20mpg regardless of what they do to them, but they do handle a load 
> well.
> Ford has some beautiful industrial diesel motors, too bad the trucks
> don't get one of them.
> A cummins in a doge truck seems to be a happy medium between the two,
> except they are very long, heavy.  A bit more noisy too.
> -james
> LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 2/27/2007 6:03:39 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>> pmdolan at sasktel.net writes:
>>> The problem with any IDI engine is they cannot come near the 
>>> efficiency of
>>> direct injection technology, making all of the older engines a 
>>> second tier
>>> choice.
>>  Oh, I don't know. Check mileage most Chevy pickup owners
>> get.  Seems the 6.2 did best, 6.5 a bit less and the Duramax
>> even less.  The Fords seem to do similar as they "progressed."
>> Maybe not quite the differences as I hear with the Chevy.
>>      Loren
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