[Vwdiesel] Value of 96 Jetta TDI 350,000kms? (NB,Canada)

Smith, Michael (R3) Michael.Smith at rvh.nb.ca
Wed Feb 28 12:58:30 EST 2007

Hi Guys, 
Mike from NB here.  Long time no see.  Going to look at another diesel
Dk blue, some rust around the edges, 1.9tdi 4dr Jetta. here in
Fredericton area of NB.
Somewhere around 350,000kms on it.
New crank bearings & timing belt w/i the couple years.
Apparently a recent inspection.
Owner asking $2000CDN,......seems a shade low.  Does have some spots of

Anything I should look for.?

Will my OBDII reader read any codes off it?


Michael Smith, CET
Clinical Engineering Dept
Doctor Everett Chalmers Hospital
700 Priestman St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5N5 Canada
PH(506) 452-5091

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