[Vwdiesel] Relocating battery

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Mon Jan 1 21:06:37 EST 2007

First off, never ever,ever,ever,ever coil a battery cable. Think about  
the current passing through that cable. It can and will generate a  
tremendous amount of heat from the magnetic field it will generate.  
What I would suggest is get a length of welding cable to use, voltage  
drop across a length of wire is pretty standard, all you need to know  
is what your current requirements are and size the cable accordingly,  
it's actually quite possible to get less of a drop than a stock  
cable/length even if you stretch it 10 feet if you have the right gauge  
On Jan 1, 2007, at 4:25 PM, MikeyBigFish at wmconnect.com wrote:

>      Ev&Andrew,
>             I too have considered relocating batteries and was advised  
> against
>      doing so for various negative reasons. One which has been  
> mentioned,
>      "the loss of cranking power using longer cables."
>      Not having any fundamental/basic understanding of electricity is  
> the
>      hat that fits my head, but it serves well as a good cover.
>      So I ask my beloved forum, is it possible/feasiable to physically  
> coil
>      this cable to increase or stabilize the desired battery cranking  
> speed?
>      This is a battery, are there any positive solutions?
>      I'm sure we must have some Tesla admirers out there in the ether.
>      Thanks to Ev for posting this concern into the light.
>      Mike in
> VA.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 
> ||||||||||||||||||
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Third Wheel engineering
Custom Design and Fabrication
2576 King Circle
Corning, New York 14830
Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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