[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump on Ebay

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Jan 2 00:01:45 EST 2007

In theory, yes.
Recall the automatic transmission oil debate regarding seal swelling 
agents.  Almost anything aromatic is going to get into Buna-n, and when 
it's level changes, the seal is altered, for better or worse.

Bryan K Walton wrote:
> Its frustrating trying to differentiate between fact and fiction on
> seals, hoses, and different types of fuels.  I've been running under
> the knowledge (perhaps false) that it is specifically the act of
> running a fuel with a certain level of aromatics in it, and then
> reducing the sulfur in the fuel (and hence the aromatics), that 
> affects the rubber.  The problem is when you have old seals that 
> have had years of exposure to one type of diesel fuel, and then the 
> fuel's composition changes.  I've also been told by another person
> that biodiesel and ULSD are almost identical in aromatic content and
> that therefore if the pump's seals start off with either ULSD and/or
> biodiesel (and never come into contact with the old LSD), we shouldn't
> have problems.  I'm hoping this is true, I suppose only time will
> tell.
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> On Dec 31, 2006, at 12:18 AM, William J Toensing wrote:
>> If it is an nos  IP , I suspect the seals will not be compatable
>> with today's fuels any more than the old hoses are. Am I right 
>> or wrong?
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