[Vwdiesel] Relocating battery

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Jan 4 14:54:35 EST 2007

Well, here in the great white north, the price of used truck parts is 
actually at a premium.  If you go to buy a battery cable for a 92 mack 
from a wrecker, you get a 15 year old cable, with over a million miles 
on it that will cost as much as buying new welding cable.
Cheap as chips would be referring to the insulation that has flaked off 
from engine heat, and road debris causing erosion.

Installing cable the length of the chassis that is in anything other 
than perfect shape is setting yourself up for a terminal electrical fire.

The President wrote:
> Don't mess about with exotic car searches for battery cables. As I said 
> before just get some cables from a scrapped truck; cheap as chips and 
> does the job.... period.
> Mark
>> From: Evans Antoniou <ev32amd at yahoo.ca>
>> To: Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>, 
>> LBaird119 at aol.com,vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Relocating battery
>> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 00:34:45 -0500 (EST)
>> which modals from bmw had the battery placed in the trunk?
>> i am in canada and i hope these modals were/are available here.
>> thanks,
>> Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> wrote: >  I've been 
>> going through similar arguments with Dad on his solar
>> > project.  Loss is loss and the longer you run a wire the more loss.
>> > More loss on DC than AC, the lower the voltage the higher the loss,
>> > with DC anyway, and the higher the draw the bigger wire needed.  
>> Coiling
>> > wire would make the wire longer.  I suppose creating some back emf or
>> > such but that would only serve to cut the amount of power run through
>> > the wire rather than the amount available at the other end...  At 
>> least I
>> > think so.
>> >  Simply use as big or one size bigger than needed and there you go.
>> > I've been trying to convince Dad it's not worth cutting up a welding 
>> lead
>> > of the same size as some wire he has, simply to have the finer wire.
>> > (since electrons travel on the outside of the conductor I suppose it
>> > should
>> > carry more current but how much really?)
>> Well, in a word, a lot. I have some very fine silver coated 0 Guage 
>> wire in
>> my 4KQ. Don't ask where I got it, I won't tell :) But, I used it for a
>> relocation under the back seat in the 4K. It is rated at 1600 Amps at 
>> 18VDC.
>> Having done a voltage drop test in this car from all points, I get no 
>> more
>> than .015VDC in any location.
>> Onto the original subject, do you honestly think VW did such a great job
>> with the wiring? I really don't, as I've seen too many ground related
>> problems, even on low milage cars. I don't forsee any significant problem
>> with the relocation of the battery. As the diesel subject has come up, 
>> Audi
>> still used the battery under the back seat in the 5000 Diesel. Single
>> battery setup. Oh, and getting cables from a wrecked car is a great 
>> idea if
>> you are on a low budget. Another suggestion is BMW's, as several of their
>> models have had the battery mounted in the trunk.
>> Tony Hoffman
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