[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump Timing - determining TDC of #1 cylinder

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Jan 5 12:04:06 EST 2007

you can't.

I assume you are asking regarding a Bosch VE pump on a VW? There's lots 
of different ways based on different manufacturers and pumps.

On a volks, with the valve cover off, both cam lobes of #1 cylinder will 
be pointing up.
Not straight up, but both will be up... as opposed to pushing on a follower.

This tells you that you are on the right side of the cycle, you know 4 
cycle motor, piston goes up and down twice for each power stroke, but it 
isn't exact enough to determine tdc for the piston.

There is a timing mark on the flywheel and a corresponding one on the 
bellhousing.  Take out the big plug over the flywheel, and look for it.

Then the piston is on tdc when these two marks line up.

And JUST the piston, to time things, you have to set each component to 
tdc, then tighten the cam sprocket to the camshaft, and independently 
time the injection pump to tdc as referenced to the crankshaft.

There are no shortcuts to time the motor. There is a procedure, and you 
either do it right, or your wallet develops a serious leak.

Enough info?

Doug Presny wrote:
> HI Folks,
> Likely a silly question once I hear the answer but ...
> When setting the timing of a diesel injection pump, how do you verify #1
> cylinder TDC with only the valve cover off?
> Thanks
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