[Vwdiesel] Oil light revisited

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jan 8 20:56:04 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/8/2007 6:16:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, fudny at aol.com 

> It usually comes on after the car is warmed up and after I drive high rpm 
> and than on an exit ramp or local road off the interstate. I can reset it if I 
> hit the throttle real quick and than is ok until I go thru the gears and 
> running at the lower rpm. For instance my commute home - Interstate 40 miles no 
> problem, get on exit ramp and LED flashing buzzer buzzing than as I exit the 
> toll barrier and pull up to the usually red traffic light I rev it real quick 
> than idle and all is off.

  My '85 Jetta did somewhat similar shenanigans when I first got it
and still did after an overhaul.  Oil pressure was good but not spec.  
I put in a new oil pump (I don't replace VW oil pumps simply out of 
rote) and it never went off again.  Oil pressure was about a pound or 
two below threshold RIGHT as the rpm dropped to where it stops 
checking the higher rpm sender.  Good oil pressure but not quite 
what it wanted and only over a margin of a hundred rpm or so and 
just a pound or two.  

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