[Vwdiesel] salvage yard start up

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Jan 9 00:40:14 EST 2007

William Longyard wrote:

>Three letters:   E  P  A.
>Bill Longyard
>(Who loves a good old-fashioned junk yard.)

While I've not done environmental enforcement for that particular branch 
of business, I have talked briefly with the people who do locally.  If 
it's in an incorporated area, they can come out and do soil and 
stormwater monitoring in addition to the fire codes that may be 
enforcable.  In my state at least, if it's outside an incorporated area, 
the state's environmental department is responsible for that sort of 
enforcement.  While their level of interest in supervising salvage yards 
may vary, it's so much better to make sure that everything's dotted and 
crossed.  Last thing you want is legal responsibility for a potentially 
large and expensive clean-up.

That being said, let us know if you get anything cool, VW, and Diesel in 


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