[Vwdiesel] Volvo Diesels

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Jan 12 15:35:37 EST 2007

Kurt Nolte wrote:
> LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>> It's not so much a "diesel runs hotter than gas" thing as a "the 2.4 
>> runs hotter than the 1.6" thing.
>>   I guess I was aiming at a tangent thought about stuff you always 
>> hear about needing a bigger radiator on a diesel than it's gas version.  
>> Heard it about 6.2's vs a 350 gas.  Heard it about the VW diesels.  
>> Pretty much all of them, someone will comment about how much 
>> hotter a diesel runs and needs bigger rads. Everything I know points 
>> to running COOLER so I was curious where that (rumor?) comes from.
> Not really sure either. Maybe it comes from the generally tighter 
> clearances in the diesel, needing it to be kept at a fairly low overall 
> temperature?

No. Hotter is better, better thermal efficiency, one of the reasons a 
diesel "runs better" when it has a higher temp thermostat.
If the higher heat came from friction, it would wear out faster, that 
can't be, they go forever.
"diesel's run hotter" I think originates from diesels generating more 
waste heat because of more power per cc displacement, and the power is 
generally used for a longer period of time - assuming a regular smog 
legal gas engine, not a high performance unit.

Build a hopped up gasser, stock cooling is no longer sufficient either.

That didn't sound so clear when I reread it.
try again...

similar displacement gas vs diesel engines, the diesel is generally 
going to be used in a higher demand situation- truck pulling something, 
or a tiny motor in a car.- take an early volks.  50hp diesel or an 80hp 
gasser, same car.

The diesel theoretically is going to have to produce a higher percentage 
of it's total available power through it's lifespan, hence generate more 
waste heat at any given time.  If the car takes 20hp to propel itself 
down the highway, a diesel working at 20hp/52hp makes more heat than a 
gasser at 20hp/80hp.  At least it makes a certain amount of sense to me...

VAL, you listening? this make sense to you?

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