[Vwdiesel] "new" car suggestions

Evans Antoniou ev32amd at yahoo.ca
Mon Jan 15 19:25:48 EST 2007

You followed my advice  -  Good call.

yes they are very spacious and u will love the
milleage and if u ever want to improve your mileage
further replace the stock  nozzles with the .205's but
u might already know that.


--- Justin and Michella Bennett <cjb at midrivers.com>

> Well I found my TDI.  It is a 1998 TDI Jetta with a
> fresh engine.  I 
> called a local VW mechanic that I have dealt with
> many times.  He had 
> bought it after the owner suffered a broken timing
> belt.  Boy oh howdy 
> the Jetta is a really nice car it sure gets a moving
> and is smooth 
> ride.  The wife and third son are disappointed since
> they had their 
> hearts set on a NB.  Tomorrow I'll go to the bank
> and finalize the deal. 
> Justin
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