[Vwdiesel] '84 Quantum TD no start :(

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Jan 20 03:51:16 EST 2007

replace the GP wires?
Only one wire, right?
why replacement pray tell?
curious minds want to know....

Andrew Buc wrote:
> I know I've been incommunicado on this for a while, so here's an update.
> I got slammed with some other demands on my time the weekend of Jan.
> 6-7, and I wasn't able to make much diagnostic progress. There was no
> guarantee that the weather would be suitable for alfresco wrenching the
> following weekend, a car in Seattle can theoretically be ticketed if it
> sits in the same parking space on the street for more than 72 hours
> (although this doesn't always happen), and I didn't want the situation
> to drag out more than it already had. So on Jan. 13 I dropped the car
> off at my regular garage.
> We'd been proceeding on the assumption that it was a no-fuel problem,
> and this was reasonable, based on what we knew at the time. But it
> turned out they had to replace the glow plugs and glow plug wires. If I
> had an IR thermometer lying around, I would have been able to nail this
> at once--I still may get one for future use. Of course, if I had a
> garage or it were summer, I would have been able to make some progress
> in the evenings.
> Anyway--many thanks to all who took the time to offer advice on this,
> even if I didn't diagnose it successfully. I'm archiving the most
> informative posts, and maybe they'll help me in the future.
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