[Vwdiesel] GP lights on / off

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Jan 22 00:00:18 EST 2007

Put a permanent indicator lamp to the glow plugs themselves to tell if 
the plugs are getting power or not.  The dash light just tells you when 
to start the car.  The relay has 2 timers- one to run the light, one to 
run the plugs.  They both get info from the coolant temp sensor on the 
head flange on front of engine.  Light is just to tell you to start the 
car, it has no real connection to the glow plugs.

what I'm getting at, is the light might be flaky, but the plugs are 
working normally?


Evans Antoniou wrote:
> hello all,
> lately, in an inconsistant manner when i firtst try to
> start my car, Canadian  96 1.9TD Jetta , the glow
> light does turn on , i then turn the egnition key to
> OFF and try a second time and it lights for the normal
> 10 - 12 seconds depending on the weather. they were
> changed last summer and the car does not seen much
> mileage.
> any ideas or easy solutions  :)
> evan
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