[Vwdiesel] 92 eco diesel

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sun Jan 28 05:40:00 EST 2007

	The turbo, catcon, trunk badge and cooling fan assembly were, to my
knowledge the only ECO-unique parts. When the cooling fan bearing locked,
plan A was to transplant the dual electric fans & mounts from my beloved and
deceased Quantum, but that proved impractical. No 1.9 A2s around here, so I
don't know whether their fan configuration was compatible.
	I've seen several estimates of ECO production, all below 1000 for
both years, and below 100 for 92s. 
	Don't get me wrong on the flaws with my old one. If I found another
in good shape at the right price, I'd grab it in a heartbeat. But I'd make
it a priority to dump the stock exhaust and retrofit an aneroid pump, as
well as transplanting an FN or FF code tranny. But dumping the converter and
adding the aneroid does sort of obviate the "Umwelt Freundlich" feature.

<Yes, but there is just so much interchangeability between models, it
shouldn't present much problem. THat's one of the beautiful things with
volks stuff.  They have had design interchangeability in spades for years
and years.
47 cars?
Gee, not even enough to form your own club...

Andrew Buc wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Scott Kair wrote:
>> Since it was a single-year feature (92's were just paperwhipped '91 
>> production year units), finding replacement parts might be a 
>> nightmare.
> I think they sold only 47 '92 ECOdiesels in the States.
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