[Vwdiesel] Banjo hits sour notes

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Wed Jul 4 10:23:10 EDT 2007

Milt Kaplan wrote:

>Well doesn't look promising for my July 4th meeting at Loren's Pacific Beach get together. Seems the 2nd from flywheel end metal line from the injection pump (85 Jetta TD engine) has sprung a pinhole leak where it turns to go into the injector. I saw a emergency replacement flexible line in Parts Place catalog; I laughed when I saw that item at the time!  But not laughing now. I didn't expect a metal line to develop a pinhole leak. There wasn't any metal to metal tube rubbing. Biut the injector lines are missing the rubber separators, so maybe some vibration created a stress point. Anyone experience this kind of problem? Unfortunately 4th of July is not good day to find parts. Do you think I could remove and cut the line and splice in a piece of hose with hose clamps?  Its high pressure in those lines. Anyone do this? Also, anyone know of some parts place around Seattle that might have the Banjo? Milton.
I had that happen on a 6-cyl Diesel in a Volvo (from which the rubber 
vibration dampeners had been removed).  I drove it from Dallas to 
Chicago and back leaking, not that it was a good idea.  That engine also 
had a few extra cylinders to cover for a weak one.  My '60's Mercedes 
190D-200D manual actually gives the specifications for manufacturing 
line from stock in the field.  Unfortunately, different specs for the VW 
engine.  Rubber line's not going to help you out either.  There's no way 
it'll hold up.  We one time had a brilliant idea of hose clamping a 
rubber line into a power steering high pressure line, which runs at a 
lower pressure than the injectors.  Needless to say it wasn't as 
brilliant as we'd thought.  

Outside of finding a replacement, I'm not sure what to tell you.  I'm 
much more experienced in what doesn't work ;)


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