[Vwdiesel] A/C oil

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Thu Jul 12 18:50:41 EDT 2007

I don't see where it would hurt. 

There I broke the tie.


Well you guys are bloody useless  ;o)

3 for and 3 against... If I knew you were going to do that and leave me the 
casting vote; I'd have just looked into the mirror and talked to myself LOL

Remember I drive a good  ole Quantum which has a nice long bonnet ... er 
hood... Not likely to get a leak in the living quarters more likely t oget 
one in the condessor which is in front of the radiator. Would it likely 
ignight? If everything is aluminium or plastic. I've heard it is low stress 
on the a/c pump... guess that must mean that it takes less energy from 
alternator etc and thence less strain on the engine .... Overall sounds like

a good thing for a Miser like me...


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