[Vwdiesel] A/C oil....kaboom?

rumple stiltskin stiltskin1969 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 12 19:18:34 EDT 2007

not likely, but the butane can be ignited from a "static electricity discharge" produced from anywhere within the system where there is metal, including the A/C condenser itself..
  ...all petroleum products produce a charge on whatever surface they follow along, whether from outside or from within the container, rubber hose , metal conduit, as in the condenser coil, etc.,  mike in florida

Stephen Kraus <ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com> wrote:
  I doubt if the butane ignited it would stay lit long, especially under
pressure, it would possibly blow itself out.
Butane isn't nearly as bad as gasoline or kerosene as far as ignitibility, I
doubt it would be a major risk.
Hell, if it leaked it would probably be gone as soon as it started

On 7/12/07, The President wrote:
> Well you guys are bloody useless ;o)
> 3 for and 3 against... If I knew you were going to do that and leave me
> the
> casting vote; I'd have just looked into the mirror and talked to myself
> Remember I drive a good ole Quantum which has a nice long bonnet ... er
> hood... Not likely to get a leak in the living quarters more likely t oget
> one in the condessor which is in front of the radiator. Would it likely
> ignight? If everything is aluminium or plastic. I've heard it is low
> stress
> on the a/c pump... guess that must mean that it takes less energy from
> alternator etc and thence less strain on the engine .... Overall sounds
> like
> a good thing for a Miser like me...
> Cheers
> Mark
> >From: "The President" 
> >To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> >Subject: [Vwdiesel] A/C oil
> >Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:28:33 +0000
> >
> >What kind of oil can I use for my car a/c system if I'm going to use Iso
> >butane as the fluid? Why can't I use any ole multigrade? After all butane
> >comes from the oil in the first place.
> >Regards
> >Mark
> >
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