[Vwdiesel] Fwd: Cleaning needed?

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 18:27:54 EDT 2007

On a related note, I've heard that there's a setting in VAG-COM that you can
put into your computer and it will keep the EGR from coking up so quickly.
I've also seen pictures of some neat modifications that keep either the
carbon or oil or something out of the valve. Check out the TDI club online.

Yes, the lower power is very likely the EGR valve. At least that's the first
place to look. (Of course you know the regular diesel things like fuel
filter, etc.)


On 7/21/07, Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Loren,
> Very much so. Although I've seen it less on the earlier TDI's than the
> newer
> ones. The EGR valve is positioned on the opposite side of the intake,
> which
> seems to be less problemmatic.
> Tony Hoffman
> >>---- Original Message -----
> >Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Fwd: Cleaning needed?
> >  Dad's Passat has recently seemed a little low on low
> > end torque.  He said he's killed it several times and it
> > seems to have a bit less power.  Maybe making a couple
> > mpg less.  Sound like a clogging intake?
> >    Loren
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