[Vwdiesel] Headf Gasket and Studs needed

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Tue Jul 24 03:53:22 EDT 2007

I get my 12mm studs from Summit Racing in Reno. Getting a head gasket should be no problem. Note whether the gasket you take off has one, two, or three notches on the old gasket & order the same. I believe the 3 notch is the thickest.  If re-tapping from 11mm to 12mm figure out some way to drill & tap straight up & down. I re-tapped a couple of bolt holes slightly off & had a hell of a time getting the head back on. Perhaps someone else has an easy way of doing this. My guess would be to make some kind of jig or guide with some scrap metal using a drill press to get a straight up & down guide..

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