[Vwdiesel] Do Diesels ever need similar type cleaning?

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Jul 24 13:09:03 EDT 2007


On reading this... I have a comment or two for Paul.  Just to clarify, 
the topic WAS about diesels... turbocharged direct injection diesels as 
found in your garden variety volkswagen TDI.
Earlier engines that are not electronically controlled direct injection 
motors had no exhaust gas recirculation devices, and are not subject to 
the same type of deposits as those that do.  the EGR devices are present 
to reduce smog producing emissions (nitrogen compounds) by cooling the 
combustion temperatures through introduction of gases that do not burn 
because they more or less already have.  It's essentially capturing and 
recirculating exhaust to reduce performance, just like a gas motor.  The 
smog thing is sort of lost on us that don't live in the overpopulated 
areas, but it is on your TDI motor nonetheless... where it reintroduces 
soot along with the exhaust which mixes with oil mist from  the 
crankcase fumes and produces a black solid that plugs up your intake 
eventually, reduces engine life dramatically, and wastes more fossil 
fuel trying to fix problems that have more to do with sociology and 
intelligent usage of resources than engine design...
But in a nutshell, no EGR, no cleaning required.

Erik Lane wrote:
> I'm no expert on these, but I had a 2000 TDI that needed it. I was pretty
> surprised to find out about it. I don't think that a 1990 has an EGR valve
> at all, but you could check. You shouldn't have to worry about it. It was
> only because the EGR valve would let oil get mixed in with the exhaust. A
> minimal amount, but enough to mix with the soot and create a tar that sticks
> to everything and gets it gummed up in there. No EGR, no problem, as far as
> I know.
> Erik
> On 7/23/07, paul lew <biovolks at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Do Diesels ever need similar type cleaning?
>>   Paul
>>   Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:29:28 -0500
>> From: "Erik Lane" <eriklane at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Fwd:  Cleaning needed?
>> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Message-ID:
>> <fbb9452c0707202029q398d7bafi62751f02656d14eb at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> The EGR valve is at least one of the spots where they get all coked up.
>> I
>> tried to look into it one time to see what it would take to get in
>> there,
>> and it's a fair amount of work to get it apart enough to clean it.
>> $1200
>> does seem like it's a little high, but ask how many hours of labor
>> they're
>> estimating and you'll probably be surprised. I think I've seen an
>> estimate
>> around Portland for $400-600? It was in that ballpark, at any rate.
>> But if you're handy at all I'd suggest putting in the time yourself to
>> clean
>> it out. I've heard that it works pretty often. There's a TDI forum
>> somewhere
>> online that has step by step instructions for all kinds of stuff on
>> those
>> engines. If you haven't found it already you should look it up.
>> Erik
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