[Vwdiesel] Drive it hard-Drive it easy?

Evans Antoniou ev32amd at yahoo.ca
Tue Jul 24 23:21:56 EDT 2007

u might have a point there tony.

a local vw diesel guru has told be that he sees less
engine/turbo related problems from drivers who drive
their car hard compared to driving their TDi's

my TDi is tweaked pretty good so opening up on
weekends i quite fun and mileage is still on the
average 1K per tank.

have to drive them hard!!!

--- Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>

> Well, I drive the heck out of all my cars, and have
> never had an engine 
> related failure. This includes a 330K V8 Quattro
> (redline every shift, if 
> speed limit permits). I also have never had a
> problem with carbon buildup. I 
> do have an occasional encounter with the rev
> limiter, however ;-)
> I do tend to recommend the same to others also.
> Maybe not all the time, but 
> definately every now and again. For some reason,
> with clean running fuel 
> injected engines, thinking seems to have changed
> from the "take it out on 
> the highway and blow the carbon out", to a more
> conservative approach. I 
> wonder if there is a misconception that low
> emissions means super clean 
> internals?
>  Interesting also, my co-worker with a 1997 Passat
> TDI drives it pretty 
> hard, and haas never had a build-up problem.
> However, the new beetle I 
> mentioned is driven very easily, and is probably
> plugged down to 1/4 of an 
> inch, I'm guessing. I'll be posting pics when I tear
> into that one.
> Tony Hoffman
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Do Diesels ever need similar
> type cleaning?
> >
> >  I believe it was Scott that found out (got
> scolded) that if
> > you drive your "early" VW diesel too easily
> though, your valve
> > will gunk up on the backsides with carbon
> deposits.  In other
> > words, drive it spriitedly once in a while and
> enjoy.  :-)
> >  Our service mgr. alway said the ones that were
> driven harder
> > had less problems and ran better than the easy
> driven cars.  He
> > never knew just why but then they weren't all that
> old at that
> > time either.
> >     Loren
> > 
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