[Vwdiesel] Do Diesels ever need similar type cleaning?

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 12:18:32 EDT 2007

Well, my main issue is everyone is talking about how bad it is to drive the
vehicle before it is warmed.
Am I doing the engine wrong by driving it cold?

On 7/25/07, LBaird119 at aol.com <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 7/24/2007 9:39:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com writes:
> > Okay you are all terrifying me.
> >
> > I usually start the car and drive it with the cold start throttle on
> until
> > its warm sometime down the road and shut it off, is this bad?
> > As far as I can tell the engine is receiving no extra wear and tear and
> its
> > fires up clean every time, but I don't want to blow a head gasket.
> >
>   I think the point is romping on the engine cold rather than
> warming it up first.  That has nothing to do with the cold
> start advance which CAN be driven out all the time, in all
> the time or in and out as you please.  Its purpose is to make
> for smooth idling on a cold engine.  The advance curve carries
> on as normal once the engine reaches somewhere between
> 1500 and 2K rpm.  It won't cause any undue wear or such.
>      Loren
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Stephen T. Kraus Jr.
Home: (423)320-4277
UB3RATL4Sf00 at gmail.com;

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