[Vwdiesel] Glow plug intermitancy

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jul 30 01:05:34 EDT 2007

  The temp sensor is for timing of the indicator light only.  The 
glow plugs come on for the predetermined time for fast or slow 
glow times, if you leave the key on and don't start.  Since the
plugs are rated at 11V, if that voltage is with the plugs connected,
then that sounds about right and a ground would be the most 
likely place to look otherwise.  If that's with them disconnected 
and grounds are good (testing from the fuse to the battery is 
no higher voltage) then probably a plug to/through the fuse/
relay panel.  On the Rabbit they patch it through it as I recall, 
so two larger spade terminals but no connections or fuses between 

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