[Vwdiesel] Tach signal box

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sat Jun 2 17:44:00 EDT 2007

Dave Heart wrote:
> When erratic the cruise stops working as well also in the black box
> the led lights but doesn't seem like its flashing then.. Im bouncing
> the sensor off the inside side of the sprocket using metal tape
> sections instead of using the painted wheel but can't see why
> everything always works fine everytime untill engine warms up! Most
> of my trips are short so no problem until I go for a longer drives.

Might want to inspect the circuit board for any loose parts, perhaps a solder joint has 
cracked or a part has overheated.  I've had my circuit box mounted on the fender next to 
the timing belt cover for about 7 years now, never had an issue with it, even on long 
drives in the heat of summer/desert.  Might also check the spacing to the reflective 
strips, they may be too close or too far away.  Might also consider painting the 
in-between parts of the sprocket flat black to not reflect light.



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