[Vwdiesel] longevity of 86 jetta?
Evans Antoniou
ev32amd at yahoo.ca
Sun Jun 3 22:22:56 EDT 2007
hi sharon,
i had an 86 jetta 1.6NA (non turbo) and it was great.
i regularly got over 1000 km's a tank. the engine was
so great that i swapped the engine into a 92 gasser
when the 86 body was finished.
the only problem i had up here in quebec (canada) is
that the body rusts out pretty fast.
i know have a 96 jetta 1.9L AAZ of which i am very
happy with and running on veggie and a 2002 tdi.
over all, the vw diesel engines are very strong and
have a very strong heritage of diesel engine
regarding the jetta u r looking at because it has
higher mileage u should get at least an engine
compression test done. it should be around 450lb per
cylender but i am no pro.
asside the engine, the parts are inexpensive and
easily available.
just my 0.02$
hope this helps and keep in mind they run great on
veggie as well. i had the 1.6L and now the 1.9L
running on veggie and it greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
--- Sharon <s_obrien1 at verizon.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm so glad I found this list. My daily driver is a
> cummins in my 3/4t truck
> so I just don't know about the vw diesels. My
> husband would like to get a
> jetta or golf. I saw an 86 Jetta with 295k miles? It
> seems like a lot of
> miles to me. Is it just about worn out or can it go
> another 100K? 200k?
> Also what other types of engine troubles should we
> be on the lookout for
> when we look at the car?
> If anyone has any info or comments I'd really
> appreciate it.
> thanks a lot,
> Sharon
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