[Vwdiesel] Alternator Issues

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 18 02:52:05 EDT 2007

Hey all-

On my way to San Fransisco today, the alternator
started acting goofy.

Sometimes it will charge, sometimes it won't.  Usually
if I'm driving, the tach will work and give a reading
that looks to be normal, though if I push in the
clutch, the needle will drop to 0 until the clutch is
released again.

The dash light is on when it isn't charging.  I
noticed that if I just turn the key to the on position
before starting it, that the dash light is on but
dimmer than normal.

It would eventually start charging, but I think it has
to be revved pretty high, like over 3500 before it'll
start charging.  

I tried unplugging and plugging in the connector a
couple times, hoping it would clean up the connection
and fix it, but no avail.

Any ideas?  I am here to deliver the car after just
selling it and I feel like I should probably deliver
it in the condition that it was described.  

Please say it is something cheap and easy to fix.  

Also, the vacuum pump crapped out on the way here, but
I know how that is fixed...  I think the car is pissed
at me!



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