[Vwdiesel] TDI AC debugging

Gerry Wolfe GerryWolfe at shaw.ca
Tue Jun 26 09:56:34 EDT 2007

Company I work for uses an electro-magnetic clutch for air compressors.
When trouble-shooting excessive clutch wear/failure, first thing we suggest 
is to
ensure there is a solid 12V available at the clutch, anything else will 
cause slippage
and subsequent premature failure.

We have found that folks just using a CB radio can cause enuff of a voltage 
drop to
cause damage.

Just my $0.02Cdn
rgds, g.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Val Christian" <val at mongo.mongobird.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 06:17
Subject: [Vwdiesel] TDI AC debugging

 Diagnosis: Charge OK, by guages.  Compressor not engaging.  VAGCOM
> apparently is of no help...the module for HVAC doesn't respond.  I
> assume that this car doesn't have one.  Pulled lower "skid plate"
> plastic, and measured power to compressor.  4.8 volts, sometimes
> cycling quickly to 7.8 volts.  Since it's just a two wire connector,
> I assume that the power should be 12V when energizing the AC compressor
> clutch.  The somewhat worthless Bentley CD shows J293 (which other
> literature calls the fan controller) as powering the clutch.  The Bentley
> CD also points me to a 13 relay cluster, which apparently my car lacks.
> I pulled lots of dash looking for it.  Apparently a vestige of a bygone
> era.
> Val
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