[Vwdiesel] Quantum lives...

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Tue Jun 26 16:05:59 EDT 2007

i've heard getting a reliant to pass can be even more fun.
On Jun 26, 2007, at 1:04 PM, The President wrote:

> Quantum passed its annual road test. Just needed one 50 cents sized  
> hole patching.  $30. Whilst waiting a BMW only 10 yrs old had a 
> failure sheet...[s]  amounting to the size of a chidren's comic.  I 
> hate these tests... it's like going to the dentists... But I do leave 
> with a smirk when it passes...
> So this time I happened to mention to the BMW driver that I bought 
> this Quantum for £29; 2 years ago; and it needed just a parking brake 
> clean and a wash due to being stuck under a hedge for the previous 2 
> years to pass this test last year  and has now become become a little 
> bit costly with this £15 rust hole... :o)
> Looking on the internet I've discovered that the rules for our 
> emissions testing follows the oldest of either the engine, or the car.
> So if I put in a 1966 engine it would need no emissions test or more 
> likely if I stuck in a 2008 TDI engine it would be tested on the 1988 
> age of the car; Pre CAT and almost  impossible to fail...
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Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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