[Vwdiesel] [Fwd: [altfuelfurnace] MEMBERWIDE ANNOUNCMENT: Illinois IRS hassling elderly couple for veg oil use]
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Mar 3 12:07:01 EST 2007
I think Mark meant to send this:
[altfuelfurnace] MEMBERWIDE ANNOUNCMENT: Illinois IRS hassling elderly
couple for veg oil use
jessejames49us <studio53 at sbcglobal.net>
Sat, 03 Mar 2007 14:48:07 +0000
altfuelfurnace at yahoogroups.com
MEMBERWIDE ANNOUNCMENT: Illinois IRS hassling elderly couple for veg
oil use
State makes big fuss over local couple's vegetable oil car fuel.
Illinois state article on IRS harassment
It isn't hard to extrapolate from this article that if Illinois state
IRS agents targeted this elderly couple for collecting waste veg oil for
their auto, then they are similarly interested in anyone collecting and
hauling oil for any purpose, such as using it as alternative home
heating oil fuel. And let me stress the word "alternative home heating
oil." So it is a two-fold IRS attack on this couple: one for hauling
the oil out of the restaurant and the other as a road-use fuel tax.
State Sen. Frank Watson, R-Greenville, introduced Senate Bill 267, which
would curtail government interference regarding alternative fuels, such
as vegetable oil. A public hearing on the bill was held last Thursday at
the state Capitol. Anybody local know what happened or can find out?
It would be beneficial to follow the progress and hopefully, the
eventual success of it getting approved thro
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