[Vwdiesel] about the pump kit at

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Sat Mar 17 00:12:01 EDT 2007

I called around and the best price so far to have the ip rebuilt with 
new seals and o-rings was $225 for just the seals, $25 for the seals 
and have the pump calibrated. On that subject, how critical is it to 
have the pump calibrated after they put new seals and stuff in it ?
On Mar 16, 2007, at 1:17 PM, MLightner wrote:

>> They still make those?
>> :/-)
> />Have to look up your local Bosch dealer, and not kitchen appliances 
> either.
>> -james
> Dam, I hope so!
> Mike in NC
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