[Vwdiesel] Was: IP rebuilders

MLightner mikel at buncombe.main.nc.us
Sun Mar 18 20:59:14 EDT 2007

Loren wrote:

>Well, not silicone grease but silicone sealant and it really didn't 
>dissolve it like to nothing but it did make it swell up slightly and 
>wrinkle.  It was still a pain to remove but better than it started.
>     Loren

Well, now I know the answer regarding silicone grease anyway - the IP didn't 
show any signs of leakage the first day after regreasing the o-ring; the next day
the pump was a little damp in places and the third morning the pump had gone back 
to dripping copiously while warming up.  I drove maybe 8 or 10 miles each day.
I thought I was really on to something there for a little while, and I guess I 
did avoid a little fuel loss.

I'll leave it to someone else to see what effect silicone-based sealant might have ;)

Mike in NC 

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