[Vwdiesel] Waste Vegetable Oil
Rolf Pechukas
rbp at 4u2bu.org
Sat Mar 31 18:10:38 EDT 2007
OK, I'm getting a bunch of questions about WVO
here's what I said to Val and Nick:
I filter through blue jeans ('sock' filters - cut off the legs, sew
up the cuffs)
denim makes a good @ 5 micron filter
many legs into one lank, I pour raw WVO through the BJ filters and
let it settle, warm (80-90° - I use the sun for this, but if you
don't have a sunny window, heat tape wrapped around tank, or similar,
will do same thing) for at least a day, although frequently for weeks
you not only need to filter, you need to 'dewater'
settling warm allows invisible microdroplets of water to fall to the
decant from @ 8" up - NOT from the bottom
leave the creamy water-rich WVO on the bottom - it attracts more
water to it - the richer this cream layer gets the better your tank
will dewater
that's it
couple pictures here:
and a great site here:
Rolf in MA
> Rolf,
> Ok, I guess this is getting more complicated than I originaly
> thought. But, not more than I can handle. What all is involved in
> "proper filtering".
> The Idea is going to be a two tank system, using engine coolant as
> the heater for the WVO. What do you use for the switch between the
> two? I'm thinking about a Ford dual tank solonoid. They are only
> about $20.
> Tony Hoffman
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rolf Pechukas" <rbp at 4u2bu.org>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 3:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Waste Vegetable Oil
>> I don't run it straight but mix it with my diesel. I try not to
>> run it when
>> the temp gets below 50 degrees F. Hopefully this year will be the
>> year I
>> actually make some bio. I have about 50 gallons of wvo to use.
>> Nick
> freezing point?
> you mean gelling point?
> it totally varies depending on the quality of the grease
> I've had stuff that was fully liquid in the dead of winter, and stuff
> that had a hard time pouring in the middle of summer
> I run WVO straight in a 2-tank system
> doesn't matter much whether the gel point is 30°f or 80°f if you're
> heating it to 160°f
> filtering it properly removes a lot of the heavier fats that tend to
> gel up
> Rolf
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