[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 43, Issue 2
madmedix at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 13:18:47 EDT 2007
And miss the chance to drop the tranny and all of the joys
that entails?
I'd like to know too. Methinks it wouldn't be a good idea
unless you've got a turbo, though. My NA wouldn't like it.
Nor my right arm. Sounds like a lot of shifting if you don't
live on the prairies.
'87 Golf NA
Do I remember correctly that 5th gear can be accessed
and replaced without removing the trans?
While on the highway this weekend, I kept thinking
about how nice it would have been to have a taller 5th
and started thinking about just buying a new taller
gear and slipping it into my trans.
Possible? Crazy?
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