[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 43, Issue 2

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu May 3 11:52:04 EDT 2007

According to Brian's website
<http://tinyurl.com/2nc5zw>, my transmission is a 7A
made in '84.  

Judging by the speed in 5th at 3500 RPM, I don't have
the worst one ever, but it definately could be better
as well.

So, I guess what I'd really need to find would be a
good used FF or FN.  There are a couple european
transmissions that would get another MPH, but they're

With the original question, I was thinking that it
would probably be cheaper (especially when considering
shipping too) and easier (not R&Ring a trans) to just
buy a 5th gear.

However, I notice on the right end of the chart, there
are several other transmissions that might fit.  It
might be worth a trip to where the wrecked Cabriolet I
have is to see which one is in it.  It is a circa '85

As an interesting sidenote, when I was first deciding
which trans to use (when I did the diesel cabriolet
conversion-either the cabriolet's trans or the
rabbit's trans) I discovered that someone had swapped
in the exact same diesel rabbit trans to the
Cabriolet, so there was no difference!



--- B & R Decker <bdecker001 at centurytel.net> wrote:

> Hi David;
> 	Which tranny do you have. The US Rabbit diesels
> with 5 speeds that I
> have come across have about as tall a tranny VW made
> that fit them. An FF or
> FN made after mid 81 should have a .71. Previous to
> that they had a .76.
> Changing the two won't make much difference. Less
> that 300 rpm at 80 mph.
> Unless you have a good tail wind 80 is pretty
> optimistic with an N/A diesel.
> Perhaps your speedo is off close to 10 % which is
> somewhat common in Rabbits
> with 5 speeds. The Sicrocco.org web sites gear chart
> gives the following
> RPM's with 175-70-13 tires for 80 MPH .71 top in a
> late FF or FN is 3279. 80
> MPH with an early FF or FN with a .76 top is 3510.
> If someone for some
> unknown reason slipped in a 4K tranny from an 84 GTI
> gas Rabbit then you
> would have a.91 top and RPM's would be 4203. Check
> the letter code on the
> bottom of your tranny's bell-housing and we would
> know more what was going
> on.	
> 	FF 5 speed Trannys are fairly easy to find at least
> around here. 
> Brian Decker
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com
> [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
> Behalf Of David Cook
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:50 AM
> To: diesel list
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 43,
> Issue 2
> Ahh, but I do live in the prairies.  And it was on
> the
> prairies that I was driving whilst thinking this. 
> (though there are some hills that, while not
> terribly
> steep are long enough to cause the NA motor to slow
> a
> bit if it isn't properly wound up.)
> It was while driving 80 that I was thinking I'd
> rather
> see the RPMs closer to 3000 than 4000.  
> Also, I do have a NA motor, but am thinking about
> adding a turbo kit to it and just keeping the tuning
> to low boost.  Just to help the engine breathe a bit
> better.
> Finally, it was less not removing the trans than
> finding a whole new one.
> David
> --- madmedix <madmedix at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > And miss the chance to drop the tranny and all of
> > the joys
> > that entails?  
> > I'd like to know too. Methinks it wouldn't be a
> good
> > idea
> > unless you've got a turbo, though. My NA wouldn't
> > like it.
> > Nor my right arm. Sounds like a lot of shifting if
> > you don't
> > live on the prairies.
> > 
> > Andy
> > '87 Golf NA
> > 
> >
> > Do I remember correctly that 5th gear can be
> > accessed
> > and replaced without removing the trans?
> > 
> > While on the highway this weekend, I kept thinking
> > about how nice it would have been to have a taller
> > 5th
> > and started thinking about just buying a new
> taller
> > gear and slipping it into my trans.
> > 
> > Possible?  Crazy?
> > 
> > David
> > 
> > 
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