[Vwdiesel] Mechanical and Hydraulic Cams

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Mon May 7 11:00:16 EDT 2007

I went around and around on this topic for many
months.  They do have different part numbers and
Diesel Jack from OH who has done many many heads will
say they are different.  Point is, they are not.
1.6na with mechanical lifters, 1.6td, 1.6na post 86
with hydraulic lifters, and even my 1.9na motor, I
have a 1.9td AAZ as well, all the same cam.  I
measured 3 of the cams against each other and they 
all have identical lobe height/width and cam bearing

The last cam I got to replace a really warn cam in a
1.6td motor I am snailing on I got from The Parts
Place for $120, but it was the last one they had for
1.6na/td heads.  Parts place will also say they are
all the same cams.

Bryan from NJ

--- Rudy <petersenrudy at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Any one know for sure if the early Mechanical and
> later Hydraulic Cams are
> the same part number?  If not, does anyone have a
> good one available?
> Thanks
> Rudy
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