[Vwdiesel] Cruise control

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Thu May 10 06:09:15 EDT 2007

Well it has been a while since I have posted an issue with my jetta, that is
a good thing.  Now I'm having cruise control problems. Nothing really major
I guess like it not working at all but when I engage the cruise it will hold
the speed for a little and then slowly slow down, if I just touch the gas
pedal it will go back up to the set speed and I can feel the pedal move
really easy as well but it will slowly back down. I don't let it get to far,
maybe five miles an hour or so and then I tap the pedal and it goes back up.
I'm thinking a small vacuum leak??? One that isn't strong enough to old it.
But it doesn't make sense if it will pull it's self back up to the set speed
so to speak.  Thoughts?


Also, my brake light flickers, not all the time but most every time in the
car. The e brake is off all the way and when I pull up on it the light
doesn't seem to stay on like it should.  Here again, a loose connection at
the e brake switch?  Brakes feel and work great, fluid level is correct.  I
guess it is time to get out the Bentley.



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