[Vwdiesel] Diesel prices, diesel vs gas

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Fri May 11 00:54:20 EDT 2007

Grass Valley/Nevada City, CA (Sacramento area) $3.05 diesel, gas, regular, $3.27 to $3.41 for stations I periodically monitor for www.gaspricewatch.com . however, around last years election, gas was running around $2.50 & diesel was around $3. Since the election, gas prices have been gradually rising & $4 a gallon is predicted by Memorial Day. If you go to Gas Price Watch & know the zip code, you can find what the price of gas is. Gas in Sacramento is slightly lower than in Grass Valley. Two weeks ago, I drove down to San Diego to attend the Democratic State Convention. Gas in San Diego was then over $3.50 except at Costco where it jumped from $3.24 to 3.28 in 2 days. This is why I hope to get my Dasher diesel up & running so I can start making & using biodiesel. I made the trip to San Diego in my 2001 Ford Focus ZX3 5 speed, averaged 28 MPG, round trip was 1,200 miles.
FYI in Canada & Europe, 3.785 liters equals one USA gallon. A Canadian gallon is larger than a USA gallon & the last I heard, the Canadian $ was worth a little less than a USA dollar. To compare prices you need to compare apples with apples. That is, what is a US gallon of gas worth in US dollars in Canada or for Canadians, what is a liter of USA gas worth in cdn$? I understand one Euro is worth $1.40 US & an English Pound is now worth $2. What is the current USA to Canadian $ exchange rate now?

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