[Vwdiesel] Back home from Carlisle

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Sun May 27 12:26:15 EDT 2007

Well, I returned home from my Carlisle/Vacation late yesterday. 

Quick rundown for those of you who don't know me. I live in Oklahoma City. My 4000Q was wrecked about four months ago. I bought another in NC and sent the $700 a month ago. On the 16th I flew out and picked it up in Raliegh, NC. Then I visited a Nick (makita) in Faison, NC. He and his wife (Susan) were gracious enough to make dinner and allow me to spend the night. I also got to meet their two daughters, Conner and Hunter. They were VERY kind hosts, especially considering they have never met me before. The next day i toured Halifax, NC for about three hours. Then, onto Dave C's (V8 Quattro lister) in Wilmington, DE. I had the great pleasure of meeting his wife, Beth, and their three cute and very energetic children. They also treated me very well, with dinner and a place to sleep. We headed to Carlisle on Friday morning. Was there till Sunday morning, then went on to Shenandoah National park in VA for some camping/hiking. Headed out late on the 25th

I will have to say that so far, every experience I've had meeting a lister has been better than I have imagined. I guess this is something that a lot of people don't understand, but it is very much like an extended family. It's funny, Audi's are what bring us together, but that's not what makes everything so great. It's the people and personalities, the families. I enjoyed meeting Arryn and his wife as much as seeing his car. Same for George Tur and his son Chris. Keith was all that I've imagined and more. I did not have a chance to talk to Scott a lot, but hopefully next time.

There were only about ten VW's there, hoping to see a lot more when I return, I'm actually thinking I'll probably tow dolly the Fox behind the Jetta, but that's a long way off right now.

It was about 20 hours driving time from VA. All together, I put about 2000 miles on the new car. It didn't run flawlessly, but pretty close. At least I didn't have to do any roadside repairs ;-)

 To all of those whom I had the great pleasure of meeting, thank you for making this such a fun event. I met a lot of great people while I was there. Saw some awesome cars as well. A few names I recognised were Enzeder, Scott, George, Keith, and of course Dave C. These were from the V8 list. There were a few others I know from the Quattro list as well. 

Morgan, you and your help did a great job organizing this event. It was truly a pleasure.

I won't be back for a while, as it's two driving days for me. But, I will make the trek again when the restoration on the 1979 Audi Fox GTI is done. Probably about four years.

Oh well, back to work on the cars!!!
Tony Hoffman

(This is getting cross-posted so everyone can see it)

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