[Vwdiesel] Peugeot diesel

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Mon May 28 10:51:37 EDT 2007

On May 28, 2007, at 1:07 AM, William J Toensing wrote:

> There is a Peugeot club I used to belong to several years ago when  
> I owned a 604 & 505 diesels. They never had any chapters but did  
> have an interesting newsletter. I think the headquarters was in  
> Indiana

Right you are--the newsletter was titled The Lion of Belfort, and it  
was a one-man operation. IIRC, things came to a stop because the  
editor had other demands on his time. When I got my first 504, a '71  
gasser, in '90, it came with a complete collection of newsletters  
going back to the time the PO bought the car. I'd also subscribed a  
few months earlier when I decided I wanted a 504. I gave the  
newsletters to a friend when I got out of Peugeots.

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