[Vwdiesel] Jumping after stopping

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 14:43:29 PDT 2007

I've had a bad wheel bearing do something similar. It would be worth checking.

On Oct 31, 2007 11:58 PM,  <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 10/31/2007 7:17:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com writes:
> > I checked all the ball joints and replaced one that was failed. The popping
> > still happens and I suspect one or both of the CV Joints on one side has
> > failed.
> >
> > Anybody got any ideas?
> >
> >
>   First I was thinking a bad motor mount, then exhaust for the
> noises, but it may well be a breaking CV joint.  If so, I doubt
> you have much time at all before it completely fails and you
> WILL coast to a stop.
>   Get under the car, blocked, jack standed and all, in neutral,
> and push-pull, turn, wiggle, wobble the axles paying attention
> to each of the 4 CV joints and see if one is noticeably sloppier
> than the others.  It's most likley an outer.
>   If those are fine then it could be stripping hub spline (I've
> seen one on a type 3) or possibly something in the tranny.
> Doubtful but check the fluid anyway.  If it's a 5 speed then
> the check hole may well be too low (forget which year they
> got them right) so drain and refill with 2L (measure the old
> stuff and put it back even).
>     Loren
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