[Vwdiesel] timing tension

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Sat Nov 3 16:09:33 PDT 2007

Ok, does anyone know an on line vendor for the 12 point allen socket 
for the axle retainer. I checked 4 different shops in the area, yes 
even NAPA , and none of them have the socket. Thought about a torx bit, 
but I just know that's not going to work.
On Oct 31, 2007, at 10:58 PM, James Hansen wrote:

> All belts are not the same Sandy.
> Timing is too exact a thing for there to be enough resolution with the
> coarseness of the cogs.  Even with V8's and big gnarly double roller
> timing chains, if you start to get fussy and dial in the camshafts, 
> they
> are always a couple degrees off between chains. (I've seen 6 degrees
> manufacturer error in camshafts alone, and this is on fancy race things
> that are supposed to be higher tolerance. Yeah.
> Being a purist, I check these things, and trust me, the valve timing,
> and the pump timing are always different between belts.  Not enough to
> not run, not enough to crash a valve, but enough to be out of optimum 
> as
> established for the engine.
> -james
> Sandy Cameron wrote:
>> At 01:45 PM 31/10/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>>>  So by the sounds of it (I'm assuming were're talking about diesel), 
>>> if
>> all the pulleys are held in place somehow so they don't move, you 
>> should be
>> able to work the belt off, and the new one on, without having to re 
>> time ?
>> Of course !
>> I dont even remove the valve cover. or slack the cam bolt.
>> The purists try to suggest that the timing should be re-checked, but 
>> I've
>> never seen the logic in that. The new belt has the same number of 
>> teeth as
>> the old one.
>> If no one frigged witth the timing,it should be exactly the same.
>> I DO make a mark on the plate behind the cam sprocket to register its
>> position, in case it should shift, (before removing the old belt) but 
>> none
>> have yet, and I've done several this way.
>> Also, I've found I can get the new belt on to the crank sprocket 
>> without
>> removing the water pump pulley, , just the crank pulley (4 allen 
>> bolts)
>> I can swing the lower belt guard far enough to change the belt, 
>> without
>> having to remove it completely.
>> Takes about 15 minutes in the driveway , working thru the wheel well, 
>> then
>> drive away.
>> Sandy
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Custom Design and Fabrication
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Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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