[Vwdiesel] Wanted - Hitch for 82 Rabbit

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 8 06:52:37 PST 2007

I bought one from O'Reily's a couple years ago for my
'86 Cabriolet (same as '82 Rabbit below the beltline)
It simply bolted to the rear bumper after drilling a
couple holes.

I towed my 16 foot fiberglass boat with it a couple
times, though the 1.6 NA engine wasn't too happy.  I
would say that was the very upper end of what could be
safely towed.  Some may argue whether it was safe or
not, but it never hurt the car and I did drive *very*
conservatively.  I had no problem towing a small
utility trailer with all sorts of heavy things on it.

If I could find something to fit the '92 Cabriolet
with it's bumper cover, I would be very happy. 
Unfortunately everything I've found requires cutting
the cover up.


--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>   Been a while since I looked but a few years back,
> U-Haul 
> still offered hitches for the Rabbits!  Nobody else
> still did...  
> Maybe they still do?  
>   One of the things that kind of dropped off my to
> do list 
> until a LOT more gets done!  I'll just weld one up
> then.
>      Loren
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